
Watch “Carbs, Fruit and Diabetes | The Exam Room” on YouTube

This is one awesome return to educational video. Or go to video whichever way you see it. This is a really good scientific based evidence video. Chuck Carroll hosts opening the Exam Room postbag. With regular guest Dr Cyrus Khambatta PhD answers the exam roomies questions.

Although the reasons vary as to why people can get Reactive Hypoglycemia the same end result if left untreated – Insulin Resistance Prediabetes then Type 2 Diabetes. I’m at the prediabetic stage. But I believe with continuing to consume low and the occasional medium plant based GI foods. I can hope to reverse the prediabetes to put the RH into remission ♥️


Watch “Hypoglycemia – What is Hypoglycemia, Symptoms, Treatment” on YouTube

Hello my lovelies this is a useful educational video although it’s UK based in regards to the glucose measurement of millimoles (mmols).

However the advice given may be very useful wherever you live.. As discussed in the video it is highly recommended to let other people you see regularly know you have a condition of Reactive Hypoglycemia and Prediabetes or a Diabetic condition.

As it is common to have so many Reactive Hypoglycemia symptoms. you can get used to them and not spotting the symptoms in yourself is dangerous. The aim is to avoid attacks by making family aware of the symptoms so they can help you. When the blood glucose is in range you can still get symptoms of Hypoglycemia especially if you’ve not treated correctly ❤️



Hello lovelies looking through my camera roll I forgot about these.. These beanshoots were sprouted from our cupboard. We used a bpa free tub we no longer use (due to no microwave) and lined with seed germinating fabric. I guess it varies how long they take to grow. This must be considered depending on where you keep them. Ours were ready for harvesting in about a week..

These need to be watered gently but the perfect activity for anyone with children. Especially with half term coming up and they taste so much better than shop bought beanshoots.

They have a low glycemic value and a source of vitamins A, B’s C, D, E & K aswell as Calcium Copper, Magnesium Zinc Phosphorus and Manganese.

Lastly as mentioned Beansprouts have a low glycemic value of 25 on the index. According to www.GreenMungBeans.com they have a glycemic load of 4. Great news for anyone living with Diabetes.. ❤️☘️🍀



Check this out at Amazon… Food

Hello lovelies I’ve always enjoyed a pasta dish and lasagne is one of my favourites dishes. It is also one I enjoy making from scratch. I had a varied work life before I had to medically retire due to my health. So fortunately I had a fantastic boss who was grateful to me for bringing the nursery back to a Good in Ofsted terms that’s a good achievement the highest level of quality is Outstanding that how it was when I was a child care manager of a local 47 place nursery.

However, I digress.. I had several jobs including the above mentioned at one time I had 3 different jobs. One of them was a teaching assistant on a one to one basis usually assign to a child with special needs.

I used to cook and clean at another nursery I worked at as a level 3 (supervisory – management role) Nursery Nurse with toddlers during the day part time. Then after school was finished for the day. I used to run an after school club for children upto 11 years old.

I would fill in for the cook if the cook was ill. In a manager’s capacity I had to undergo training from the local environmental health and safety officer.)

As I was putting together a food manual and training the staff c. Since having food sensitivities and one of those triggers being foods containing gluten and simple carbohydrates.

I was unable to make a lasagne that wouldn’t cause a reaction.. Until I was watching a video about plant based cooking and they happened to mention it was organic gluten free and made from brown rice..

So I have bought some of these and I’ll report back once they arrive and make use of them. I will post a review on them and if they are worth buying again or even recommend them to you lovely people ❤️


January 2022 RH Journal & Dawn Phenomenon

Hallo my lovelies firstly welcome to My Reactive Hypoglycemia. I’m a blogger with a diagnosis of Reactive Hypoglycemia and Prediabetes is the reason why I have this condition. I’m newly diagnosed and wanted to find out more about this rare condition.

I hope what you see here will help you in some way. (whether you have RH Diabetes or not I hope you find something useful too!)

I read and watch each post I share I usually read the studies that are relevant to the post when sited..

In between RH attacks and Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic emergencies, I try to post journal style posts discussing how I try to navigate my way on a runaway train through a minefield of unexploded bombs which diet and food sensitivities and Prediabetes. I hope with some semblance of positivity and humour.

Everyone is individual on their RH journey and what I may react to someone else with RH might be fine. I’ve been trying to reduce the number of times I have an RH attack and it usually wakes me up anytime between 2.30am to 5-5.30am.

Some of the foods you see in the photos below are high in fibre and low on the glycemic index. These have helped stabilise my glucose levels.

These fruits are low on the glycemic index 🍇🍒🍓🍎🍏
Some Strawberries Black Seedless Grapes and Cherries 🍒
I woke up with the symptoms I’ve spoken about above in my blog posts it was just after four am.
Pre dinner measurement
After my evening meal as you see its still low.

While I don’t have a clock in our bedroom, I do see the time as I go to the bathroom. So it’s been bugging me why I keep waking up at around the same time with the same symptoms.

I’ve had separate evenings where my blood has been too high and too low.. On the occasions I experience the high glucose levels I seem to have more severe symptoms compared to when they are too low.

I’d read the word Dawn Phenomenon before but didn’t really look into what it was and my first understanding of it was not what I’ve read in this article.


It shows you an excellent info gram aswell as explaining how everyone experiences a dawn phenomenon nightly. But in someone with a blood disorder such as RH Prediabetes and Diabetes, the cells are unable to absorb the glucose from the pancreas..

The liver sends along hormones such as Adrenaline Cortisol and Glucagon to give the body energy to wake up and function for the day. This happens in everyone as part of human life. So I can see how dangerous it can be when this isn’t under control. ❤️



Vegan Recipes From The Plant Based Cooking Show Presents Strawberry Shortcake

Hello my lovelies I hope you are well and healthy as you can be. I’ve been subscribed to The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show for about six months.

What attracted me was I was looking for gluten free and vegan/plantbased recipes. I didn’t know I had RH or Prediabetes but I am health conscious. I’ve never liked foods that are greasy oily and deep fried. The oily aftertaste is more than I can tolerate it makes me gag and feel nauseous and sick. 

So while having another look at the videos again I noticed that Jill also avoids adding processed sugars and oils to her recipes. She prefers to use fruit such as dates bananas apples and flaxseed.

So I got to thinking about the principles of consuming a plant based diet, gluten free. To be cooking without oils and sugar are the ideal steps in a few permanent changes, to not only improve the chances of staving off Diabetes Type 2. But according to Mastering Diabetes (possibly I dare hope!) – reversing Prediabetes.

Anyhoo, while I maintain I have more of a savoury tooth. I do like a sweet treat especially if said sweet treat involves fruit..!

But if anyone is living with Reactive Hypoglycemia knows so well. They would be justifiably reticent to try more than one in fear of triggering a RH attack having experienced a spike. In my case a spike (like a rollercoaster) I experience Hyperglycemic symptoms. The rush of insulin clears up the glucose,(broken down food) but my cells shut their doors. while my pancreas thinks it still has to do its job it causes me to have a Hypoglycemic attack aswell. This combination of both Hyperglycemic and Hypoglycemic symptoms together is the Modus Operandi of Reactive Hypoglycemia (RH)

The only way I’ve been finding out about nutrition and how food can be for some people like me living with RH a poison to the endocrine and immune systems.

So when I get round to making these lovelies I’d eat one of them and give the rest away. As Mr Vegan can’t have dates.. His diet is even more restrictive than mine, as he has Diverticular disease.. The challenge is on to find a dessert we can both eat…Bring it on…..!!!♥️✌️



Dear Chocolate Aka Sweet Sweet Refined Sugar. An Open Love Letter…

Chocolate, Chocolat, Schokolade, Cioccolato, as it is known around the world. I’ve had a long love affair with Chocolate.

My first thought when I went vegetarian, was I naively believed I could still eat chocolate as animals didn’t suffer for me to eat chocolate – it just came from their milk.. Boy was I wrong!

Then I transitioned to a plantbased vegan lifestyle.. As it was I was already buying household and beauty products not made of and tested on animals. ❤️

I had also been ensuring that any clothing etc are made from plants or man made synthetic materials to replace wool, leather and other materials I’d not realised was made from animals. So it was inevitable that I would transition to a vegan lifestyle.. 🥰

I got the internet and an education on the dairy and meat industry. The internet opened my horizons to the world of learning.

Anyhoo! I have loved chocolate, especially milk chocolate in any form, since my late teens. My first chocolate bar (or internationally a candy bar) was a Mars Bar. I’d take my time eating the chocolate on the edges leaving the chocolate on top.

Then I’d eat the biscuit underneath at the bottom of the nougat and caramel with the thick chocolate on top. Then I’d bite a chunk off leaving it on my tongue sucking the chocolate mixture until it dissolved in my mouth.. ❤️

It was my goto chocolate I was a chocoholic I’d have particular kinds of chocolate bars depending on what mood I was in at the time.

But I have been unwell for a number of years. After ruling out other nasty options such as cancer and ulcers etc the prognosis was I had Reactive Hypoglycemia which was caused by Prediabetes.

So I have to stop eating all those plant based chocolates I’ve happily been testing for everyone and myself to find plant based alternatives.

The first chocolate candy bar was invented by a man named Fry invented the first chocolate candy bar. He mixed a chocolate paste by putting cocoa butter in with the Dutch cocoa powder.

The Mayan Chocolhaa (bitter water), Xocolatl/Xocoatl by the Aztecs were the first known people to consume chocolate. To read more about the history of chocolate, check out the article at the Smithsonian online at the link below.. 🎄🎅



Watch “❣️Top 8 Insulin Resistance Symptoms You NEED to Know” on YouTube

Thought this was interesting and wanted to share this with you fatigue has been a issue for me intermittently. I expect it is to do with the immune system and the way it operates. As the immune system is known to fluctuate throughout the day.

It is entirely possible that if you consume a number of trigger foods it can trigger a severe immune response or reaction.

As I am a Sepsis survivor I’m prone to a severe immune system reaction especially in the form of Sepsis. Since the last few years I’ve seemed to have developed an allergic sensitivity to insect bites. To the extreme that my doctor advised me to always keep a bottle of liquid antihistamine on hand incase of more bites.

In the case of Sepsis the reaction is usually a result of infection. But with Reactive Hypoglycemia it is food illness pain and stress can cause a change in my individual blood glucose levels. This then for me triggers symptoms.

As I’m always in pain its critical to me to ensure my immune system stays healthy and stressful situations reduced significantly.

If you want more information about Sepsis in the UK. I highly recommend you check out the UK Sepsis Trust and you may want to look at this other link below too. Lots of Love xx



Sensory Neuropathy – Symptoms, Dysesthesia, Treatment & Complications



Gluten Sensitivity & Celiac Disease

I came across this particular video, the first out of a short three part video series. It was on YouTube as a recommended watch. I’m so very glad I did! You see I was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity several years ago after I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

I came across my gluten sensitivity through partly research as my partner shares some of these symptoms (he was subsequently diagnosed with gluten sensitivity too) and working with my doctor and dietitian

I also have autoimmune disorders one of which was diagnosed as Hypothyroidism. With the type of Hypothyroidism I have, it is common to get gluten sensitivity. according to Dr Datis Kharrazian, “Gluten intolerance and celiac disease is a auto immune response to Gluten and numerous studies have been linked with Hashimotos”. Kharrazian,D: Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms, Elephant Press, (page 26)

My doctor and my specialist agreed that it wasn’t worth putting me through the gluten test because of the severe symptomatic reaction I have. They said it’s easier to avoid all gluten containing foods.

I had a Celiac test done but I had already stopped eating gluten that the results wouldn’t be accurate. The results were negative so rather than a allergy. It’s an intolerance to gluten but I accepted it and the symptoms have much improved since cutting out gluten containing foods.

However, I was aware that gluten can be found in medicines. As my partner is prescribed gluten free medicine. But I didn’t know about white potatoes can mimic Gluten as can oats. I found this interesting because I stopped eating white potatoes to see if they were causing Hyperglycemic and Hypoglycemic symptoms. I spoke about this in a past blog post. The thing is I have noticed a positive difference since switching to Sweet potatoes.

These are very interesting videos and has prompted me into looking at gluten sensitivity/intolerance and celiac disease a much closer look. But I am also reading a new book about prediabetes… which will be in the next blog enjoy

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Part 1

Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Part 2 of 3

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Part 3 Living Gluten Free


Watch “SIBO:  A doctor’s guide to the root cause of Bloating and IBS” on YouTube

Hello lovelies while this video is unrelated to blood disorders like Reactive Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes. I do find I have IBS symptoms. My partner has IBS and severe Diverticular Disease, and chronic severe Diverticulitis which reoccurs. But it has herbal remedies that they say has proven successful.. also you see examples of patients cases. But a useful video to help reduce IBS symptoms.



Reactive Hypoglycemia 101. The Fundamentals

Hello lovelies I’ve been delayed in writing this and I feel this should have been one of the first blogs I’d written. I’d written and posted about the symptoms of Hypoglycemia. However, when you have a blood disorder such as Reactive Hypoglycemia you can experience Hyperglycemia aswell as Hypoglycemia.

So knowing and understanding the symptoms and what triggers them is crucial in order to treat a potential Hyperglycemic and/or Hypoglycemic event. This would be empowering for yourself, and reassuring as well as reassuring for your family and friends.

As knowing the symptoms enables you to treat them appropriately. Thus treating any symptoms before finding where your blood glucose levels are can not only be dangerous. By consuming the wrong food and/or drinks, coupled with brain fog can be disastrous results. This is inclusive of all the Diabetes types so I have found for me I always test my blood glucose (blood sugar) first.

There is a choice of links below one is a video incase you’re unable to read the article or don’t have the time… The other is an article with a written explanation of high and low blood sugar symptoms written by the editor of diabetes.co.uk ♥️




What is The Glycemic Load?

Hi there my lovelies as promised in the last post about the Glycemic Index I’d tell you about the Glycemic Load. (GL) ❤️

The Glycemic Load or GL is another way to examine the carbohydrates in foods. This considers the portion sizes instead of the using 50g amount in the Glycemic Index. ❤️

It is calculated by multiplying the carbohydrate total by the GI value. ThenThe total amount is the Glycemic Load (GL)

The Glycemic Load is very similiar to traffic light style of the Glycemic Index with the Green means low Orange means medium and Red of course is for foods in the high glycemic load (GL) category. ♥️


Watch “Bananas: Do They Hurt Or Help Blood Sugar Balance?” on YouTube

Hey there lovelies I found this short interesting video and thought I would like to share with you all …all about the humble Banana.



Watch “Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Constant Mucus and Phlegm in Your Throat” on YouTube

While this is nothing to do with Reactive Hypoglycaemia. I have a progressive lung disease and figured people have other conditions such as Asthma (another condition since childhood) So I also speculated that this video might be beneficial for anyone with a cold flu pneumonia or covid.

Sleeping Electronic Devices & Health

Hello lovelies sleep and having a good sleep routine is vital especially when you have preexisting medical conditions which impact on each other. Especially if you live with health issues that impact on your immune system. I have Reactive Hypoglycemia and Autoimmune Hypothyroidism this fluctuates between being overactive and underactive. This really impact my life and functioning at times needing complete bed rest. This has serious implications for overall health not just sleep itself. I also suffer from chronic insomnia since childhood and average around 4 hours per night. Sometimes I can get as much as 6 hours and 10 minutes. But still less than the recommended 7 to 9 hours each night we’re supposed to have.

Usually, I wake several times in the night usually due to being in pain or needing a bathroom trip. Or I’m woken regularly with autoimmune symptoms and unable to return to sleep due to the heart racing and palpitations etc. According to Dr Cooper a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist from Sutter Health, the light from our screens can delay our transition to sleep. ”Even if we are engaged in some soothing activity online,” Dr. Cooper says. “But it’s more likely that our evening texting, television shows or video games are stimulating in themselves, keeping the brain busy and wound up, and even causing adrenaline rushes instead of calm.”

“Melatonin is the hormone that helps us sleep. It’s what signals to your body that it’s time to rest and recover from the day. TVs and other devices that produce blue light can reduce the amount of melatoninTrusted Source your body makes.

This can make it hard for your brain to know whether it’s night or day. When your brain thinks it’s still daytime in the middle of the night, it can make falling asleep and staying asleep very difficult”

Changing the way you use your electronics at night can have a positive impact on your sleep routine by going to bed at regular times and either turning the phone or computer off or obtain a filter that blocks the blue light that interferes with sleep quality ❤️

Blue light can reduce the amount of sleep you need for good sleep routine.. ❤️

0 Carb Lemon Macaroons! – Lilsipper

Hello my lovelies for anyone who knows me and my love of 2 fruits the first are Raspberries. The second are lemons for some of you just starting changing your dietary requirements to limit the amount of carbohydrates you ingest. This might be the one for you! A nice lemon dessert that’s got 0 carbs with no refined sugar (which is good for people living with diabetes or prediabetic or Reactive Hypoglycemia)..I’ve read that it’s gluten-free paleo as well as keto friendly💚❤️


Diabetes News UK – New procedure for Type 2 Diabetics Being Assessed By NHS Spending Watchdog – NICE | Ilkley Gazette

Hello my lovelies Happy New Year to you all! Hope you have had good Xmas holidays and a relatively symptom free time.

This is an interesting read about new procedure used as a treatment for people with Diabetes type 2.

I hope you find this link a useful resource.. ❤️


Every Vitamin & Mineral the Body Needs (Micronutrients Explained)

Hello my lovelies this has been my aim and goal to understand what every plant food we consume contains and what they can do for all our health needs. I can’t do anything about the Osteoarthritis other chronic pain and preexisting conditions. But I can improve the quality of my life and the lives of others going through the similar kind of health situation. I’ve always been conscious of maintaining good health but didn’t have the necessary tools to do anything about it in a truly productive manner and with certainty. Especially as I was too busy before I was ill to entertain the thought of actually doing some research. As I was too busy juggling being a very active life of working mum in between going to university the usual duties of a mum and housewife. Sometimes cooking and laundry was shared and maintaining the garden front and back aswell as attending the gym minimal of upto 5 times per week(this included yoga classes and interval training in between work and the gym using the street between jobs.

I had at one point 3 different jobs within the childcare sector which included managing an after school club, managing creche in partnership with the UK Government’s childcare agencies nationwide known as Surestart. I also ran the nursery after management went home, aswell as cooking cleaning and covering any staff holidays. As you lovely readers can see I was too busy.

I was too busy focusing on my career to take my health seriously. As I felt in good health at the time. On hindsight the warnings were there but I was too busy aswell as ignorant to the consequences of living such a busy life. I don’t know how I fitted it all in… No wonder my medically retired now I ran myself into the ground at the expense of my health. I was arrogant enough to believe I was invincible. But 15 years later, I’m unable to walk or work with too many medical conditions to name here. Most of these conditions are invisible. So from the outside to others you will see I have back problems with involuntary spasms shaking with the obvious mobility aids. To others I look fine but my lung damage and progressive lung condition means talking and doing any activities make me breathless. So if I am talking on the phone I have to do only talking as I get breathless aswell as very tired from the effort. The research unit from university came in handy to carry out my nutritional research.

But I’m making up for lost time and planning to share what I find with everyone who sees this blog..  I hope you enjoy this as I found it interesting ❤️

SOY-FREE TOFU That Makes ITSELF! – ONE Ingredient (&Water ) High Protein…

Hello lovelies this is a recipe I would love to try at home (once I can afford to purchase the tofu press). I had to replace some old kitchen equipment (and purchase an excellent dog grooming kit with vacuum review coming soon!) taking advantage of the sales. For anyone new to this like me preparing everything in advance makes life easier. This tofu is made of pumpkin seeds and water.

This tofu is ideal for anyone who has to watch their intake of carbohydrates or glucose. Diabetic and Reactive Hypoglycemia friendly full of vitamins minerals. As I have Reactive Hypoglycemia aswell as an autoimmune thyroid condition. I have to be aware of what kind of sugar and fat intake I consume. As Reactive Hypoglycemia may lead to type 2 Diabetes and chronic diseases in addition to complications. Nevertheless there are many other symptoms too numerous to mention here. I have other posts about Reactive Hypoglycemia in this blog and Hypoglycemia Awareness..in my other blog https://nellythevegan.wordpress.com/ Let me know if you happen to make this Tofu recipe by Mary’s Test Kitchen (available via the link 🔗)🍀 ❤️

My Social Media Platforms https://www.facebook.com/MyReactiveHypoglycemiaUK


https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/ https://at.tumblr.com/nellyslilblog1/qj16n3bngj7z https://at.tumblr.com/romanijuva/437tc7uk9bsn/

Some Links that you might find useful related to this post.. 🔗 https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/2022/04/02/watch-insulin-sensitivity-foods-that-reverse-insulin-resistance-and-reverse-type-2-diabetes-on-youtube/https://fb.watch/



Cannabis News – Legalisation In Germany 🇩🇪

Hello lovelies more developments with the Legalisation of cannabis in Germany.. ❤️

Recreational cannabis closer in Germany with ‘softer rules’ for legalisation in 2024

Watch “🟢🙄 What Are Good Carbs for Diabetics? #shorts” on YouTube

Hello lovelies I like these short videos they’re useful when do don’t have alot of time to watch or listen to longer videos. They condense the information the channel wants to publish. This one is from the Mastering Diabetes You Tube channel and worth a look ❤️

Yippee Weight Gain & Reactive Hypoglycemia & Hypothyroidism – A Happy Blog!

Hello lovelies feeling really positive and that I’ve reached a epithany with regards to my weight. Admittedly upon reflection, my relationship with food over the years have been erratic. But I believed was fairly healthy as I At one point I came pretty close to having an eating disorder. I  started to think about purging my food by vomiting. But I’ve always disliked being sick from a child. So I  drugstore laxatives to make me clear my stomach either. Therefore I talked myself out of taking a very bad path down into the world of never eating disorders….

Growing up I was a fussy eater but my weight was OK and mainly within a healthy range. I was very active despite having asthma. I’ve always seen myself as more finicky than fussy. As I do have clear dislikes of a few foods or texture of food. But on the whole as I grew up I became more adventurous and tried different foods including herbs and spices. Infact there is only two foods that I actually dislike from the plantbased world that is Beetroot and Brussels. But I’ve never liked dishes such as macaroni and cauliflower cheese

But I’m very happy to report I’ve managed to gain 9lbs in 19 days. I am hopeful that I can get into a normal weight range. Or at least gain enough before I get another bout of autoimmune symptoms I’ve notice that when I get the symptoms described in the image below I also experience symptoms of Reactive Hypoglycemia. This was diagnosed last year. Athough I have an underactive thyroid the blood test results reveal they are in normal range ❤️

These are the primary symptoms that I have been experiencing since 2017.

Mastering Diabetes & Mastering Reactive Hypoglycemia

Hello lovelies this link comes from Mastering Diabetes Instagram page. It shows three statements and if you can relate to them. I wouldn’t necessarily say that talking to friends and family is shorter than the time it takes to explain online why carbohydrates don’t give you diabetes. How after giving it some thought I can resonate with why it makes more of my time explaining.. There’s nutritional science behind the way different foods break down the glucose at different times ❤️

Blepharitis & Diabetes Hashimoto’s & Reactive Hypoglycemia

Hello lovelies I had my usual yearly eye test as I have eye damage. Ordinarily people with healthy eyes in the UK typically have eye tests every 2 years. As I have damage to my sight (a side effect from having oxygen therapy when I was on life support in the intensive care unit with double Pneumonia and severe Sepsis Shock) and cataracts probably due to Sepsis et al.

The optician asked the usual questions have I noticed a change in my sight etc. So I explained the itching and swelling leaky stinging aswell as aching eyes. She said it was likely to be Blepharitis and it’s a matter of bathing and keeping the eyes moisturised. I explained /.my medical history (as thyroid & auto immune disease is in the family) she also had I been tested for Sjögrens Syndrome.

So now I have to book a blood test on a positive note Blepharitis well the type I have is easily treatable. I already use hot water to cleanse my eyes. I’ve yet to try hot teabags on my eyes but I have a jade roller which is nice and soothing when my eyes are sore and hurting. The roller or a cold flannel also helps with any feelings of inflammation and helps with swelling. The hardest thing for me is remembering to avoid rubbing my eyes when they’re itchy and gritty as it makes my eyes worse ❤️




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